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10/08/2023 RMNewsletter

October 7 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #rmnewsletter, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #poetryormore, #audiobook, #ebook, #rmtja, #tipjar, #stone, #stoneofsuriel, #suriel, #the, #truthtellers, #gary, #webb, #kill, #messenger, #anyaboz, #animation, #jason, #reeves, #133art, #rtnightmare, #aalbc, #da-fragments, #fall, #deviantart, #drawtober, #moviesthatmovewe, #nike, #ma, #milton, #davis, #grey, #matter, #black, #rose, #blackrose

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 41st edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The twentieth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

2) Favorite 2 colors

3)Fall challenge

4)Drawtober Day 3

5) Movies That Move We review Grey Matter

6) Black Rose the samurai, an introduction



The truthtellers

Anyaboz animation

Meet Jason Reeves,  owner of 133art

What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 

CENTO Series episode 20

off in search of salt and sea

like the moss that creeps over angel wings

begging intimacy, playful bites beneath silken sheets


i watched the crows build their nest

where everyone is a neon glow,

tasting for the thrill of unknown


i tell the moon i love her

cozy among the thorns

embarrassed at the bruises in the early morning light


i’ve seen you clip your own wings, claim it’s necessary

a diminutive thing, still perched at your bedside

i heard the sway of porch chimes,


And with it I follow ruinous glee

denying they, who leer their envy

Of she, most sacred ruin


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Favorite 2 colors

I was asked
"What are your favorite color mashups? In other words, what colors do you think go best together in one illustration. I will hype the deviation you choose to make your case as well as one from your gallery if it isn't your artwork. Explain why in only 2 sentences."
My Answer
I have too many great color duets but among my work, I think medium brown with light green, but those are two key colors of the earth , used to sharing the same light.

the following shows a more elaborate green brown duet and in nature.

Fall challenge

In the group the challenge is simple, draw something seasonal, i made autumn dice, with 2 magic shadows, ala eight sides combined: six physical  + two of shadow.

Drawtober Day 3

It is cityscape, i figured what if a cityscape's shadow becomes the mansion of shadows.

Movies That Move We review Grey Matter

Movies That Move We review Grey Matter  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Movies That Move We review Grey Matter


Black Rose the samurai, an introduction

Black Rose the samurai from Milton Davis rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Black Rose the samurai from Milton Davis



  • October 09: Indigenous People's Day
  • October 10: Venus Moon conjunction; Pluto appear stationary,before appear to move again
  • October 13: Moon at Equator of Earth ; Boston Americans (modern day Red Sox) won the first World Series 1903... they faced the National League champion Pittsburgh Pirates

Roy Hobbs scored the winner

More informaton rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
More information

just joking

  • October 14: The side of the Moon that face the earth does not get light from the sun, or a New Moon; The Moon will also pass in between the Sun and the Earth thus a solar eclipse; The moon is moving north to south of the path of the sun in the sky, the ecliptic; MErcury Moon conjunction.

Trivia: Does a New Moon happen whenever a solar eclipse happens? 


The truthtellers

Gary Webb discovered a public secret. The USA is an empire. It's government did and does things for its empowerment that sometimes must never be admitted to or have no proof. All empires do this. I know this is real. People say they want the truth, but most of said people don't. The truth is like the magic mirror gate test. Most people, and that includes indigenous people in the usa, recent immigrants from central america to the usa, descended of enslaved black folk in the usa like myself, of course whites in the usa, and many or most others when faced with truths to what they hold dear will run away screaming.  

Interview on Democracy Now

More Links to interviews side Gary Webb on Democracy Now


film trailer

Anyaboz animation

click the image or link below and enjoy

Anyaboz Animation rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Anyaboz Animation


Meet Jason Reeves,  owner of 133art

interview and images

Interview with Matt Reeves owner of 133art from boldjourney rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Interview with Matt Reeves owner of 133art from boldjourney


What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 

I think the greater question is the last government in Africa to defeat a foreign, non african,  power in any fashion was ethiopia. Which government in africa is closest to making that a reality again? 

What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire?  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 


Photographers, give this a show

Enjoy Kin Truly Playing Lovingly


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


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02/19/2023 RMNewsletter

January 17 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #salvador, #bahia, #carnival, #valentinesday, #valentines, #thebootesartvoid, #dallaslogan, #dallas, #logan, #rose, #bloomnation, #audiobook, #thelastflail, #kobo, #deviantart, #stageplay, #53rd, #annual, #presidents, #play, #holiday, #scriptastic, #playwrights, #jihi

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 8th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter 

How was your Valentine's day, I hope well. Enjoy the Valentine day art below. Salvador Carnival began on the 15th and ends on the 22nd. I added a stream, that you can see live shows from Salvador, Bahia districts. My first stageplay is ready. Tell me what you think. It is a preplay to a larger work that will be in my JiHi series. Tell me what you think.


Title: THe petals of tradition ; photographer: thebootesartvoid ; valentines day rmnewsletter
Title: THe petals of tradition ; photographer: thebootesartvoid


Title: Te Amo Bloomnation campaign ; photographer: Dallas Logan  ; valentines day rmnewsletter
Title: Te Amo Bloomnation campaign ; photographer: Dallas Logan


Title: THe Verona bloomnation campaign ; photographer: Dallas Logan  ; valentines day rmnewsletter
Title: THe Verona bloomnation campaign ; photographer: Dallas Logan


Title: Birthday Cake ; Photographer: Dallas Logan ; valentines day ; rmnewsletter
Title: Birthday Cake ; Photographer: Dallas Logan


title: Southern belle ; photographer: Belinda Vickerson ; rmnewsletter ; valentine's day
title: Southern belle ; photographer: Belinda Vickerson


Four days before Carnival in Bahia, this was Salvador


See the Carnival in Salvador Bahia

Enjoy my first stageplay

Onto the 53rd Annual President's Play by Richard Murray ; holiday scriptastic tournament; house of playwrights; deviantart
Onto the 53rd Annual President's Play by Richard Murray



Enjoy these post Valentine's day treats

rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


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