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10/15/2023 RMNewsletter

October 14 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #rmnewsletter, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #audiobook, #ebook, #poetryormore, #rmtja, #tip, #tipjar, #xicotencatl, #last, #dream, #dates, #astrology, #eddie, #mueller, #film, #noir, #cocktails, #noirbar, #hollywood, #kitchen, #bar, #karie, #bible, #alicia, #mccalla, #ahsoka, #tano, #steven, #barnes, #charles, #johnson, #ray, #bradbury, #transcript, #martha, #well, #wells, #promptpot, #arktober, #drawtober, #supertiti09, #criblore, #filledwithmagic

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 42nd edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The twenty-first of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

2)Promptpot part 2 intro

3) A variation of my work from Supertiti09




How to make Film Noir cocktails

Ahsoka Tano is needed

Steven Barnes thinking on Ray BRadbury

Martha Wells what isn't lacking is merit

CENTO Series episode 21

I used to lay awake, afraid to sleep

Of how or where I will be a better man

And though we often come to sharper tones

I used to lay awake ,afraid to sleep


whether in pleasantry or fear

or perhaps the bright and bombastic

we are a judgmental kind

it is our right to free will


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Promptpot part 2 intro

Two more elements in the second pot. One for Arktober and the other for Drawtober. 



A variation of my work from Supertiti09

Supertiti09 made a variant of my work as a prize, it looks so adult magazine-ish. Supertiti09 truly has experience in the art of lust.


My original REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO CLICK THESE ARE MATURE IMAGES, note my two versions as well, braless + with bra:) 

Inspiration to see the images above


a new work from Filledwithmagic

more information at the following

Criblore from filled with magic rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Criblore from filled with magic



  • October 15:  Mars Moon conjunction; Henry Perky patent for shredded wheat. 

Shredded Wheat Patent-expired


Patent List


  • October 16: Walt Disney company founded 1923
  • October 20: Moons closest to South pole, lowest under equator; Sun is between Mercury and Earth, superior.
  • October 21: Pluto Moon conjunction; 


How to make Film Noir cocktails

click the image or link below to learn, video or time index notes for specificity are present

How to make Film Noir cocktails Karie Bible side Eddie Muller Noir Bar , Kid Noir, Rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
How to make Film Noir cocktails, Karie Bible side Eddie Muller


Ahsoka Tano is needed
Read the full article, click following image or url 

Ahsoka Tano the badass jedi superheroine we need from Alicia Mccalla rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Ahsoka Tano the badass jedi superheroine we need from Alicia Mccalla


My Reply

Well... Disney-StarWars has made female strong characters in most of their recent work: star wars episode 7/8/9- ray who finally ends the emperors reign and stars a new era absent the sith or jedi; rogue one- the daughter of the death star engineer, absent any force, who sacrifices all and guides others to make important choices and sacrificial choices to do one good while very powerful deed;Mandalorian show- Boka Tan changes from a defeated isolated leader to a better communal leader, even getting guidance by a man plus older woman, still with great fighting skill, who succeeds in fufilling her goal of uniting her people; Book of Boba- fennec shand <I do enjoy her> survives being betrayed by a younger man and becomes the trusted second in command, while visibly more dangerous than her boss, an older m, to an independent underworld empire; Ashoka Tano- has Ashoka who: admits she was/is wrong, survive failure, is extremely skilled plus lethal, trusts others to help to a collective goal, and moves in a very non offensive way, and chooses to continue training a child, no one, not even a very experienced purely logical machine, thinks has a chance of finishing her education. And is accompanied by a green skinned female general who always seems level headed but never follows orders blindly and is very sharp minded. A female padwan with the least amount of obvious impressiveness, a sign of how self loathing moth gideon was, who is full of love, who finally accepts her mandalorian roots. With female strong villains in a grey haired witch who is strong and in charge, but not flashy, while a young female warrior dedicated to a master but with a honest cruel streak. So the writers at the Star WArs section of disney have been working on female strong characters from the Stars wars films for a while, and they seem to be getting better with age. And the quality of male characters to the writers credit don't seem to be getting worse but are staying with them. I think the problem with the hans solo movie or the obi wan kinobi show was the male leads. 

Steven Barnes thinking on Ray Bradbury

Steven Barnes + Charles Johnson speak on their careers and their relationship to Ray BRadbury

Video+ Transcript accessible by clicking the image or url below

Steven barnes side Charles Johnson speaking on their careers + ray bradbury rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Steven barnes side Charles Johnson speaking on their careers + ray bradbury


for a thoughtful talk to inspire, consider a firedance


Martha Wells what isn't lacking is merit

The problem isn't that the impotent haven't merited more in a world dominated by the powerful. It is that the powerful overrode and override merit with power.

unbury the future from martha wells transcript rmaalbc rmnewsletter aalbc
unbury the future from martha wells transcript


I end with some blessings

the dog lunged back when blessed, 

why is a human throwing plant at me?


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

10/08/2023 RMNewsletter

October 7 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #rmnewsletter, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #poetryormore, #audiobook, #ebook, #rmtja, #tipjar, #stone, #stoneofsuriel, #suriel, #the, #truthtellers, #gary, #webb, #kill, #messenger, #anyaboz, #animation, #jason, #reeves, #133art, #rtnightmare, #aalbc, #da-fragments, #fall, #deviantart, #drawtober, #moviesthatmovewe, #nike, #ma, #milton, #davis, #grey, #matter, #black, #rose, #blackrose

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 41st edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The twentieth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

2) Favorite 2 colors

3)Fall challenge

4)Drawtober Day 3

5) Movies That Move We review Grey Matter

6) Black Rose the samurai, an introduction



The truthtellers

Anyaboz animation

Meet Jason Reeves,  owner of 133art

What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 

CENTO Series episode 20

off in search of salt and sea

like the moss that creeps over angel wings

begging intimacy, playful bites beneath silken sheets


i watched the crows build their nest

where everyone is a neon glow,

tasting for the thrill of unknown


i tell the moon i love her

cozy among the thorns

embarrassed at the bruises in the early morning light


i’ve seen you clip your own wings, claim it’s necessary

a diminutive thing, still perched at your bedside

i heard the sway of porch chimes,


And with it I follow ruinous glee

denying they, who leer their envy

Of she, most sacred ruin


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Favorite 2 colors

I was asked
"What are your favorite color mashups? In other words, what colors do you think go best together in one illustration. I will hype the deviation you choose to make your case as well as one from your gallery if it isn't your artwork. Explain why in only 2 sentences."
My Answer
I have too many great color duets but among my work, I think medium brown with light green, but those are two key colors of the earth , used to sharing the same light.

the following shows a more elaborate green brown duet and in nature.

Fall challenge

In the group the challenge is simple, draw something seasonal, i made autumn dice, with 2 magic shadows, ala eight sides combined: six physical  + two of shadow.

Drawtober Day 3

It is cityscape, i figured what if a cityscape's shadow becomes the mansion of shadows.

Movies That Move We review Grey Matter

Movies That Move We review Grey Matter  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Movies That Move We review Grey Matter


Black Rose the samurai, an introduction

Black Rose the samurai from Milton Davis rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Black Rose the samurai from Milton Davis



  • October 09: Indigenous People's Day
  • October 10: Venus Moon conjunction; Pluto appear stationary,before appear to move again
  • October 13: Moon at Equator of Earth ; Boston Americans (modern day Red Sox) won the first World Series 1903... they faced the National League champion Pittsburgh Pirates

Roy Hobbs scored the winner

More informaton rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
More information

just joking

  • October 14: The side of the Moon that face the earth does not get light from the sun, or a New Moon; The Moon will also pass in between the Sun and the Earth thus a solar eclipse; The moon is moving north to south of the path of the sun in the sky, the ecliptic; MErcury Moon conjunction.

Trivia: Does a New Moon happen whenever a solar eclipse happens? 


The truthtellers

Gary Webb discovered a public secret. The USA is an empire. It's government did and does things for its empowerment that sometimes must never be admitted to or have no proof. All empires do this. I know this is real. People say they want the truth, but most of said people don't. The truth is like the magic mirror gate test. Most people, and that includes indigenous people in the usa, recent immigrants from central america to the usa, descended of enslaved black folk in the usa like myself, of course whites in the usa, and many or most others when faced with truths to what they hold dear will run away screaming.  

Interview on Democracy Now

More Links to interviews side Gary Webb on Democracy Now


film trailer

Anyaboz animation

click the image or link below and enjoy

Anyaboz Animation rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Anyaboz Animation


Meet Jason Reeves,  owner of 133art

interview and images

Interview with Matt Reeves owner of 133art from boldjourney rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Interview with Matt Reeves owner of 133art from boldjourney


What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 

I think the greater question is the last government in Africa to defeat a foreign, non african,  power in any fashion was ethiopia. Which government in africa is closest to making that a reality again? 

What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire?  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
What is the worth of Africa, as a continental region,  to the USA empire? 


Photographers, give this a show

Enjoy Kin Truly Playing Lovingly


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

10/01/2023 RMNewsletter

September 30 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #rmnewsletter, #cento, #poem, #poetry, #astrology, #green, #woman, #legend, #aalbc, #dangal, #accented, #cinema, #vertieres, #haiti, #revolution, #chevelin, #pierre, #edwin, #magloire, #newlyweds, #filledwithmagic, #moon, #ferguson, #a, #wrinkle, #time, #citation, #lifewriting, #screenwriting, #course, #browngirlsbooks, #publishing, #supertiti09, #dedenne, #charityguildmaster, #pokemon, #bee, #hummingbird, #prince, #menelik, #colby, #elv

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 40th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The nineteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

3) Dedenne in the rainforest

4) Swim across the Colby Elv - a story with PRince Menelik

5) A little nudity

6) Lifewriting Screenwriting course

7) Brown Girls Books publishing opportunity



Dangal and International womens empowerment

Battle of Vertieres

Newlyweds blood at the altar

A Wrinkle In Citation

CENTO Series episode 19

their passion too loud

determination too great

plentiful as the stars above

within the dark


“O Prince, I pray, embrace the day

“My Lord, shall I play?” he hears her say

while near at hand, slowly wafting a fan,

While the maiden croons her wordless tune

As if in a dream, the tired man leans

ahead awaits the serried ranks

Until with a great crack, all vision goes black

And like a shot from a gun, the sun is gone.

Standing in a familiar field.

Gone is the shade, and the comely maid,

The sun has conquered the land.

The only sign he is still awake

kneels a dark-eyed maid?

The day is hot, is it not?


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Dedenne in the rainforest

For the rainforest collaboration which is now closed. I made two pokemon. 

The following is the description

Dedenne, one of many pokemon serving as a hummingbird traffic guide in the rainforest. He is standing vigilant at a food sign for Bee Hummingbird visiting the rainforest from cuba. As someone small for his species he respects the bee hummingbird's need for stillness, as he has a little queens Wreath, a vine, wrapped about how for any passing bee hummingbird nourishment.

the coloring page

and if you enjoy Dedenne, something tells me you will enjoy Sudowoodo too, so I the following link to the 37th edition will take you to him at work in the rainforest.

Swim across the Colby Elv - a story with Prince Menelik

Prince Menelik side a Norsipyan , Asmund, challenge the swim across the serene, calm, Colby river.

for various stories and art concerning Princess Candace or Prince Menelik utilize the following

A little nudity

A fellow artist , supertiti09 had a birthday raffle and so I participated and i got the chance to get one of my works made by another. Here is the work I made. It is nude so... you have to click to see.

the coloring page

Now I was inspired by a model named precious , who was shared to me by another. I will share the links, it is also mature, but I will provide the video that inspired the image after to regale you to check the adult images.

colored version

The visual inspiration

I admit i wouldn't believe it, if i didn't see it:)

Lifewriting Screenwriting Course

TEN SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD SCREENWRITERS from Tananarive Due side Steven Barnes of Lifewriting
full video or slideshow at the following image or link

TEN SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD SCREENWRITERS from Tananarive Due side Steven Barnes of Lifewriting rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
TEN SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD SCREENWRITERS from Tananarive Due side Steven Barnes of Lifewriting


Brown Girls Books publishing opportunity

shades of brilliance invite
for 12- 19 year old authors
all information at the following image or link

Brown Girls Books - shades of brilliance rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Brown Girls Books - shades of brilliance




Venus goes close to Regulus of Leo circa 8th or 9th. Best seen in east coast usa circa 5 a.m. On 14th annular solar eclipse visible in western states. Use eye protection when looking at it. Venus greatest distance from sun on the 23rd circa 46 degree, as it circles about the Leo constellation. 28th a one percent eclipse visible in asia while the moon is in conjunction to Jupiter. 

  • 1st- Jupiter Moon conjunction, a conjunction is when a line can be made parallel to the horizon or perpendicular to the horizon  where two bodies in the sky are visible

Thomas Mantell died chasing a UFO
Project blue book microfilm
Project Blue book text
Unclassified documents

  • 2nd- Uranus Moon conjunction; California state inland rainbow trout record is 27 pounds, 0 ounces, caught at Lake Natoma by Frank Palmer of Orangevale on October 2, 2005. 
  • 4th- 1987 make way for the ducklings sculpture, from Nancy Schon, inspired by the book of the same name from Robert McCloskey  
MAke way for ducklings status rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
MAke way for ducklings status


  • 5th- Moon makes the biggest angle between the equator and a line made from its center side the earth's, moon rides high


Dangal and International womens empowerment

Battle of Vertieres

The last battle of the Haitian Freeing

Art: @chevelin_pierre / @chevelin_illustration
Story: Edwin Magloire @ebmagloire

Newlyweds blood at the altar

A new film from Filled With Magic productions, an independent Black film production company, led by Moon Ferguson. Here is some information, if the image intrigues you. 

The Newlyweds from Filled With Magic , details to the production RMNewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
The Newlyweds from Filled With Magic , details to the production


A Wrinkle In Citation

Citation has always been a challenge for artists. 99.99% of artists are financially impotent, sequentially, they work absent the ability to control the way in which their work is advertised. This has always been true, since the oldest rulers about the Nile. But, in modernity, the heritage of user activity, brewed through the electronic communication platform known as the internet, makes citation more than a sin, it is an absent. Citation becomes a tool for the potent and an avenue to showcase one's followship.

In the following article, cited below, the artist who made the following cover was revealed.

Who made the cover for this book? Click the image to learn who , a wrinkle in time, rmnewsletter, rmaalbc, aalbc
Who made the cover for this book? Click the image to learn who



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village



Read more

09/24/2023 RMNewsletter

September 23 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #poetryormore, #audiobook, #ebook, #rmtja, #tipjar, #audios, #calligraphy, #journey, #viktor, #intruder, #1962, #roger, #corman, #william, #shatner, #indigenous, #native, #american, #forced, #schooling, #blacknificent, #education, #gershwin, #ella, #fitzgerald, #louis, #armstrong, #girl, #maam, #boy, #sir, #jamaica, #kincaid

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 39th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The eighteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

2) Boy and Sir, following Girl from Jamaica Kincaid and Ma'am from me



The Intruder

Indigenous suffering

How do you define Black Greatness

Education part Nth

CENTO Series episode 18

So numb and fragile....

A home

Keep it close and hold it


For the ancients dance and will gift 

on the sky. For dreams and hope, dance

caught in that vast sea of crystal

unknown, where sleep is good. I ask,

here now with heavy eyes of lead.

Rest up, you sweet child of light, night


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Boy and Sir, following Girl from Jamaica Kincaid and Ma'am from me

I was challenged by a fellow writer Nike < https://nikewrites.wordpress.com/ > to create two more reflections of Girl from Jamaica Kincaid. And so I did. What do you think? 



  • 24th- Pluto Moon conjunction- a horizontal line parallel to the horizon or a vertical line stemming from the horizon joins both bodies in the sky 
  • 25th- woodchucks hibernate
  • 26th - Saturn Moon conjunction; 1898 George Gershwin born, his porgy and bess is crap for me, but his 1937 shall we dance is , i argue, truly american, not black american or white american, but american. 

'Let's call the whole thing off' - originally in the 1937 film "Shall we Dance" here sung far better by Ella Fitzgerald side Louis Armstrong 

The dancing version from the movie, i linked to when it starts
They Can't Take That Away from Me- originally in the 1937 film "Shall we Dance" from the male character but written where it can be applied from any one to another... here sung far better by Ella Fitzgerald 

  • 27th- Moon closest to earth, a perigee

In 2018, A 2,066-pound pumpkin grown by  Steve Geddes of Boscawen, he held the world record in 2012 for largest pumpkin.

 2,066-pound pumpkin from Steve Geddes rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
2,066-pound pumpkin from Steve Geddes


 Catholic saint day to Vincent de Paul- patron of charity- benevolence to the poor, or good working to the financially weakest, a literary note, the word was used hundreds of years ago as a synonym for christian activity.

  • 28th- Neptune Moon conjunction
  • 29th- Full Moon, called a Harvest Moon as this Moon is when harvesting should begin in north eastern united states. ; Moon on equator means the closest thing to a line can be made from earth's center to the moon's, in an instant. 
  • 30th- Moon from south to north of the path of the sun in the sky, the ecliptic


Venus goes close to Regulus of Leo circa 8th or 9th. Best seen in east coast usa circa 5 a.m. On 14th annular solar eclipse visible in western states. Use eye protection when looking at it. Venus greatest distance from sun on the 23rd circa 46 degree, as it circles about the Leo constellation. 28th a one percent eclipse visible in asia while the moon is in conjunction to Jupiter. 


The Intruder

Written by Charles Beaumont, Directed by Roger Corman, Starring William Shatner rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Written by Charles Beaumont, Directed by Roger Corman, Starring William Shatner

At the location of the link is the full film free to view as well as a short story by the author


If you want a taste of the kind of storytelling , here is a teleplay from the Twilight Zone derived from Beaumont's "Beautiful People" titled: "Number 12 looks just like you"

Indigenous suffering

No one has had it worse than the Native American. I will always wonder when a native american will ignite the biggest bomb ever in the usa.

Native American children's horror inside the usa rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Native American children's horror inside the usa


How do you define Black Greatness

My Answer

I define Black Greatness, absent any desire to influence another's definition, as contentment. 

I think when Black folk are happy, nothing like it exists anywhere else in humanity. 

What is yours?


Education part Nth

Another multilog. I place a list of education posts in this one. I am admittedly tired of repeating myself. The saddest thing is how people in new articles repeat what I said countless times years ago.

Education part Nth - another round discussion of education in the usa, i place links to my past thoughts rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Education part Nth - another round discussion


Here is the list of fiction in the new yorker magazine



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

09/17/2023 RMNewsletter

September 16 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #kobo, #kwl, #writinglife, #poetry, #poem, #poetryormore, #audiobook, #ebook, #rmtja, #tipjar, #cento, #calligraphy, #young, #mitzli, #dream, #mark, #dawson, #princess, #bombshell, #seanime, #comic, #excerpt, #vincent, #price, #peter, #cushing, #aliens, #mind, #audioplay, #ashley, #davies, #bettsfic, #workshop, #jamaica, #kincaid, #girl, #perihelion, #saint, #lamma, #super, #smash, #bros, #collab, #blackgameselite, #oscar, #peterson, #carnegie, #hall, #venus, #billie, #jean, #king, #bobby, #rigg, #september, #equinox, #goodnews

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 38th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The seventeenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  But a surprise await.

2) Ma'am and the final week of the Bettsfic workshop

3)Super Smash Bros collab



KWL podcast with Mark Dawson

Princess Bombshell from Seanime

Aliens in the mind

Madebirdscom bird boxes automata

CENTO Series episode 17

Only one cento for this episode, for I wanted to share a little fictional prose. 

Oh griot, sing from tween the years when the ant hordes drank Gold Mushrooms and the silver tree barks, and the years of the rise of the Daughters of Kus, there was an age undreamed of, when beaming gardens lay spread across the world like free rainbows beneath the stars.

the original quote is below , do you know who is it from? say in comments, I will not tell.:) 

Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars.


And now onto the Cento

Right here and now

The remains of your galaxy

devoured by your mind

In the core of your heart

universe reversed…


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Ma'am and the final week of the Bettsfic workshop

For the final week the focus was on narrative. I placed at the top the experimental , entitled, Ma'am it is my reflection on Girl from Jamaica Kincaid. enjoy

But for the fiction I made another element into the world I created, and still have not named for the workshop with Betts series.

if you want to read more and get all pertinent links, utilize the following uniform resource locator.


Super Smash Bros collab

If you are a super smash bros. fan or like collaborative artwork, click the following image or link. The listing is on the page if you have a particular character you are interested in seeing. The collage is on the site. 

Super Smash Bros collab curated by Ry-spirit rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Super Smash Bros collab curated by Ry-spirit



  • 17th- Moon Descending ; it crosses the path of the sun in the sky or the ecliptic
  • 18th- Oscar Peterson performed live at Carnegie Hall 1949

Listen to the whole concert

  • 19th  - Neptune at opposition , meaning it will be reverse of the sun at sunrise, look west. And Venus will have it's greatest illumination in 2023 this day. 
  • 20th- 1973 Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in the battle of the sexes

21st International Day of Peace

a story


  • 22nd- Moon closest to the south pole, greatest angle from equator going south; Mercury greatest distance from sun in the sky , elongation
  • 23rd- September Equinox, the beginning of Spring in the southern hemisphere while the beginning of Autumn in the northern hemisphere. Equinox means equal night. In this day, as in the other equinox,  the equator of the earth if expanded like a disk for in an instant makes the smallest angle between itself and the center of the sun. Or you can say, if a line was made between the center of the earth side the center of the sun, the equator will be at said line.
Good News Blog - stories through a year rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Good News Blog - stories through a year

 a story


another story


photo citation



KWL podcast with Mark Dawson

Good information for all independent writers

kwl podcast self publishing rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
kwl podcast self publishing


Gordon Gecko's speech 

if you don't know it is relevant as when it occurred in the 1980s

Gordon Gecko's speech- greed is good rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Gordon Gecko's speech- greed is good


Princess Bombshell

from Seanime

The Cover, click the image to read an excerpt

Princess Bombshell from Seanime rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Princess Bombshell from Seanime


Aliens in the mind

Madebirdscom bird boxes automata


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village




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09/10/2023 RMNewsletter

September 9 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #kobo, #poetry, #poem, #cento, #poetryormore, #writinglife, #kwl, #rmtja, #tipjar, #audiobook, #ebook, #monnalisa, #calligraphy, #lego, #bluefin, #tuna, #sashimi, #ilikehome, #muons, #mars, #nuclear, #power, #engine, #tezen, #chevelin, #pierre, #headscents, #bayonetta, #ry-spirit, #lifewriting, #podcast, #tananarive, #due, #steven, #barnes, #horror, #left, #hand, #tutorials, #francois, #artblog, #sudowoodo, #plushie, #rainforest, #colors, #random, #collab, #donation, #blackgameselite, #black, #female, #photographer, #opportunity

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 37th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The sixteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. 

2) Bayonetta

3) Lifewriting Podcast 87- Writing Horror 

4) Left hand tutorials

5) Sudowoodo


Lego bluefin tuna sashimi 

The New Space Engine



Black Female Photographer Opportunity

CENTO Series episode 16

To collect your pay

mon cher Madame, 

you dance and dance

by a word of mouth

Go down, go down

go wayward south



So, raise them well with all your arts

What's the price of that broken pot

Because, Deep down, you know it's true

For love's the balm that heals all stings


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 


I was fortunate enough to be part of an art collaboration by ry-spirit on deviantart. It involved the super smash bros theme. I produced bayonetta. Here is a little poem:) 

Mistress Cherry, quite contrary
How does your spellbook grow?
With shapeshift ghouls and summon'd tools
And so my spellbook grows

My Bayonetta

If you want a coloring page

If you are interested in video game design, come to black games elite, you can follow and sign up, and be ready for the activities

Lifewriting Podcast 87- Writing Horror 

Click the image or url below to listen

Lifewriting Podcast -- WRITING HORROR!!! (Episode 85)  with tananarive due side steven barnes rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Lifewriting Podcast -- WRITING HORROR!!! (Episode 85) with tananarive due side steven barnes


Left hand tutorials

When I was a child I used both my hands. Unfortunately, influence from the majority is never insequential, positively or negatively, and I didn't do it as much. But I utilize the tutorials in Deviantart to spend time drawing with my left hand.  No reason exists why all humans beings aren't reared to use both outside of poor rearing systems.

I place the list of tutorials at the following post, they are all graphite, but have fun. 


A fellow artists I am attached to on Deviantart just made over 5,000 watchers. Which is worthy of acclaim on a specialized site like Deviantart which is truly built for artists of all mediums/styles/disciplines, but not really the social landscapers , human or electronic,  that poison all the largest websites based on their populace of users. I made a little artwork for them. 


I made a Sudowoodo for a positive donation pool, if you make an artwork, nature conservancy gets two dollars. I did similar before with a make a wish collaboration. So, Sudowoodo can be considered my favorite pokemon based on art, even though I argue sableeye is my favorite in game playing.

All three Sudowoodo are cited in the Black Games Elite post below. Join the group , it will get better, but regardless , have fun.


  • 11 Venus Moon conjunction
  • 12 Moon furthest from earth, apogee
  • 13 Mercury Moon conjunction ; 1833 ice from Boston Massachusetts's, on the ship Tuscany leaving May 12th 1833 holding 180 tonnes, first arrived in Calcutta India with 100 tonnes < More information https://scroll.in/article/720912/how-ice-shipped-all-the-way-from-america-became-a-luxury-item-in-colonial-india > .
  • 14 New Moon, least light from the sun. Mercury appear static in the sky. 
  • 15 Moon on Equator, angle between Earth's center to Moon's center closest to zero using the equator as reference
  • 16 Moon will eclipse Mars, not the sun, some call an occultation. cult is a hidin, -tion is a thing. oc- means away from, occultation- a thing that hides something away from; Hyperion, also named saturn seven, moon of Saturn, early sighting. It is one of the first moons not known to be round. 


Lego bluefin tuna sashimi 

from I Like Home

and here is some time at home

The New Space Engine

Particle physics is just that the comprehension of the physicality of particles in them selves and unto each other. 
Now comprehend in the following explanation these are all names, you are free to use whatever names you want. Just because somebody said to call something one thing, doesn't mean you have to. Just because everyone around you uses a word for one thing, doesn't mean you have to.  I will use commonly used terms simply for others to check what i say or search on available tools, not cause I wish to carry or support the nomenclature.

Now you have compounds like "H20" which is two "hydrogen atoms" with one "oxygen atom". But "hydrogen atoms" plus "oxygen atoms" or all others on the "periodic table of elements" are composed of "electrons"/"protons"/"neutrons" or emit "photons" or "neutrinos" plus other things. You comprehend the term particle physics. To comprehend the "hydrogen atom" you need to comprehend the "electron" plus other particles. 

"protons" + "neutrons" are composed of "quarks" + "gluons". 
The "electron"  or "neutrino" or "photons" or "muons" + "quarks"  or "gluons" are commonly known to be absent composite parts. But they each have different times of life. As you know, "photons" in certain conditions is the basis for visible light. "Electrons" or "Protons" or "Neutrons" make up human side all other complex biochemical system's, including the earth itself. They don't operate like "photons", or you will see everybody in a flash. 

"gluons" are considered unstable. A nice way to think of it is the basis behind "Nuclear fission". In "nuclear fission",  elements of the "periodic table" some call heavy based on the quantity of "protons" or "electrons" or "neutrons" like "Uranium"<circa 96 protons> for example have a natural decay. Which means what? Like the human body decays at death, unstable. "uranium" does the same thing, as a much smaller entity than a human body , and slowly losses "electrons"/"protons" /"neutrons" becoming lighter and lighter till "Iron" <circa 26 protons> if I am correct. The release of the particles is energy and that energy can heat things, like water. ala a "Nuclear power plant".

So comprehending the very tiniest of particles can help explain in more detail the grandest of actions. The race to a nuclear powered space ship engine will be better designed if the smallest of particles actions can be more easily calculated.


Particle Physics + Nuclear Power , rmnewsletter, rmaalbc, aalbc
Particle Physics + Nuclear Power



from Chevelin Pierre

A Glimpse Into The Future Of Tezen

An exclusive glimpse into the world of TEZEN! 📖🎨 The first strokes of my upcoming web graphic story. Explore the beginnings of TEZEN's captivating tale and dive into the art of ballpoint pen (my favorite medium).


this is funny

Black Female Photographer Opportunity

If you know a black female photographer, please share

Black female photographers opportunity rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Black female photographers opportunity



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village



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09/03/2023 RMNewsletter

September 3 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #poetryormore, #richard, #murray, #rmtja, #tipjar, #shipoffools, #gertjan, #adema, #freepik, #words, #websters, #academie, #francais, #shaina, #west, #jeeja, #yanin, #sailor, #medusa, #princess, #candace, #bettsfic, #setting, #blue, #moon

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 36th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The fifteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. 

2)Coloring Page Sailor Medusa Birthday Treat

3) 3D Sailor Medusa Treat version 

4) Princess Candace in the Kingdom of Mirrors

5) Set sail entry

6) Week three workshop



Technicolor marble run

Black Speak 

Shaina West

Jeeja Yanin

Blue Moon

CENTO Series episode 15

please, your honor, just let them be free

a love that common faith denies

it is their love that leads the mission

bright smiles and crinkled eyes


The machine...the last thing he sees through the

Quarters, and her stylish little dart-gun

On a routine mission in enemy territory...


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Coloring Page Sailor Medusa Birthday Treat

For an adoptable contest I utilized characters from Kuroshi-tenshi world. Sailor Medusa side Princess Tranquility. 

3D Sailor Medusa Treat version 

click the image to interact to the 3d version

Sailor Medusa Birthday Treat To Princess Tranquility rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Sailor Medusa Birthday Treat To Princess Tranquility


Princess Candace in the Kingdom of Mirrors

A still image from her journey. Can you find the following answers in the work

  • What did the Ganyok, PRincess Candace's familiar - a shell snake, do?
  • How many enemies to the Glass order are thrown from a tower?
  • How many Glass Order knights are injured?
  • What are the Glass Order trying to do with the falling Peincess Candace?
  • How many mountains are to the west?
  • How many cages were put in the Queen of Glass's house by the antagonist?
  • What jewelry does the antagonist wear?
  • Where is Prince Menelik, to the side of Princess Candace holding the egg or not?
  • How many birds are in the sky?
  • What is the purpose of the cyclops?
  • How many boats are visible?

Set sail entry

I enjoyed this invitation a lot. I went through many different designs before I settled on the following.


Week three workshop

She asked all to name a place you love and name 3 public plus 3 private elements about said place. I listed a few potential places but one was resounding.

I applied the Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry, Experimental



Venus is brightest of 2023 circa 15th,16th of september look to the eastern horizon. Mercury highest in the sky on the 6th of september..

  • 3 Moon cross south to north of the ecliptic- the path of the sun in the sky; Mort Walker born 1923 He started chronicling the journey of someone september 4th 1950
Beetle Bailey , from Mort Walker, first strip  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Beetle Bailey , from Mort Walker, first strip

Before said journeyman enlisted he teased

Beetle Bailey before he enlisted , mort walker rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Beetle Bailey before he enlisted , mort walker


  • 4 Jupiter Moon conjunction Jupiter appear static in the sky
  • 5 Uranus Moon conjunction
  • 6 Mercury inferior, between Earth and Sun ; Louisa Swain of Laramie Wyoming first woman since 1807(in New Jersey) in the USA to legally cast vote 1870
  • 7 Georgia Gibbs sang the Hula Hoop song on the Ed Sullivan show 1958 Video Link
  • 8 Moon rides high, highest above the equator


Technicolor marble run

from Gertjan Adema + Freepik

Black Speak

Someone on AALBC, Troy, , made an argument against my use of words. And I realized that the problem hasn't been in this instance or times before with others, that word use was different between me side another black person. The problem was I was unwilling to succumb to the majority in the black community in such an elemental aspect as language. And it connects to other aspects. I wonder how many Black people in Black groups in the USA oppose other Black groups in the USA merely cause they are the minority? The word democracy means rule of the people. But the people always rule. The question is, do the majority rule? When is individualism allowed, when the individual joins the majority only? All Language warrant management over time. Why? Cause sooner or later an individuals language can be damaging to a populace and can become a groups in said populaces language. Where in it can only lead to doom cause you can't bridge languages by definition opposed to each other. 


Shaina West


Jeeja Yanin

A nice speech on this female martial artist and one movie she was in entitled, chocolate

Blue Moon

Called Blue cause it is rare, not cause of its true color. Super for the proximity of the moon to earth..

The following is the august 2023 blue moon,  waning super moon of 2023, the next waning super moon will be in the gregorian year 2037



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

08/27/2023 RMNewsletter

August 26 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmaalbc, #poetry, #poem, #cento, #aalbc, #richard, #murray, #poetryormore, #thelastflail, #rmtja, #tipjar, #zohameanslight, #stretching, #yoga, #couple, #ethiopia, #empowerment, #XiaoQianFeng, #jane, #friedman, #ai, #screenwriting, #workshop, #tananarive, #due, #steven, #barnes, #accessbility, #kwl, #interview, #podcast, #betsfic, #pay, #attension, #attention, #sarah

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 35th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The fourteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. 

2) Around The Moon In 80 Risings

3)Week 2 of Bettsfic writing workshop

4)Artist that inspired me

5) Important info for all independent writers 

6) Screenwriting Workshop



A Couple That Stretches Together Stays Together

Harlem of Yore

Do you say what you really want if empowered?

How To Build Your Own Wearable Valkyrie Robot?

Accessibility Interview

CENTO Series episode 14

Because it means they are finally free

Something to celebrate, encourage and praise

Their existence in this world a sign

That deities above would not create


All the people in the grocery blush

shouting about a unknown guy

fly forward and backward !

Others say that this scene is real criminal


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Around The Moon In 80 Risings

The introduction

The Photomanipulated work for Olgola's invitational, the story connects.

Week 2 of Bettsfic writing workshop

Main post where I describe elements of me paying attention in the week and developing a story concept based on it

Poetry based on things i paid attention to

Stageplay, using the character of Sarah from Innocent Little Margaret , having elements from the Pay Attention

What artists has truly inspired you, pick one? 

asked by RTNightmare

August Wilson, the playwright. He wrote the play Fences which was made into a film with Viola Davis side Denzel Washington. I also saw those thespians on stage.

why has august wilson inspired me more than other artists who have inspired me? 

I must first say I can make this comment book length on why. But, I will focus on how August Wilson inspires me in an uncommon way. 


Art in all forms or fashions is unbounded in what humans can create/intake from it. Unfortunately while inevitably, all art is influenced by the relationship humans have to each other. Art from individuals in a human community that is subservient to another human community can become trapped in or show shackles from the reality beyond the individual imagination. 

August Wilson's plays are clearly set in Black communal spaces in the usa, but are not devoid the presence of potency from the white community in the usa. While the black characters or their space is not caricatured, an exaggeration, nor is the potency from whites outside of black spaces caricatured. 

Finally, the resulting message, all art has messages <yes, even the absence of a message is a message> , doesn't pigeonhole the spectator whether Black or non Black into a guided mindset. 

All my words above are give a short explanation to the difficulty in making art that publicly involves race while not caricaturing any race or guiding the mindset of those who ingest said art on how they shall think. 

The audience is not a fool, no one is, we all know the world beyond the individual imagination, whether we like it or not. 

But seeing with my own eyes, various peoples who clearly share different opinions, leave a theater with the same mindset they came in while experiencing a story that is specific and in every element relates to the various battles or histories outside the theater. 

That is not common for artists. 

To be blunt, Barbie from ruth handler, for colored girls from Ntozake Shange , Huckleberry finn from mark twain, various films from spike lee, the little mermaid films from disney... a long list of highly acclaimed beloved art, doesn't allow for interaction by all races without caricaturing a race or trying to massage minds to change while being clearly racial in design. 

That unique quality is what August Wilson was able to achieve as a writer and that ability to achieve a unique quality puts the spirt in me to achieve different but just as unique qualities in my own craft. 


Important info for all independent writers 

computer made books can hurt financial environment for human made books rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
computer made books can hurt financial environment for human made books



  • 27th - Saturn in opposition, meaning it will be opposite the sun at day break , look away from the horizon
  • 28th - Pluto Moon conjunction ; Uranus appear stationary in the sky
  • 29th- Goodyear tire and rubber company initialized, names after Charles Goodyear, a self taught chemist, who earned a patent for vulcanized rubber < us patent # 3633 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20150714081931/http://www.dpma.de/docs/service/klassifikationen/ipc/auto_ipc/us3633a.pdf > ; John the baptist beheading is honored. non biblical accounts say John the Baptists was more communal leader than spiritual leader, which led to his demise <Josephus> If true and John taught Jesus what was JEsus's movement?
  • 30th - Saturn Moon conjunction, appear aligned in the sky; Moon at perigee, closest to earth, shortest distance to the center of the earth in the moon's orbit about earth; Full Moon, called a Blue moon from the phrase "once in a blue moon" as it is rare to have two full moon's in one month, the moon can appear blue in certain conditions, also called a supermoon when a full moon happens while the moon at perigee, close to earth. The moon is visibly widest at perigee in the sky, smallest at apogee. Same with the sun which is largest in the perihelion, smallest in the aphelion.;  Jacques Louis David born 1748


Mademoiselle Guimard as Terpsichore, by Jacques-Louis David rmnewsletter
Mademoiselle Guimard as Terpsichore, by Jacques-Louis David
Le Serment du Jeu de paume rmnewsletter
Le Serment du Jeu de paume


Napoleon crossing the Alps rmnewsletter
Napoleon crossing the Alps
The Coronation of Napoleon rmnewsletter
The Coronation of Napoleon


Venus is brightest of 2023 circa 15th,16th of september look to the eastern horizon. Mercury highest in the sky on the 6th of september..

  • 1st - Moon on equator ; Neptune Moon conjunction
  • 2nd - Venus appear stationary in the sky; JRR Tolkien spirit flew 1973

I Sit And Think 

from JRR Tolkien

I sit beside the fire and think
of all that I have seen,
of meadow-flowers and butterflies
in summers that have been;

Of yellow leaves and gossamer
in autumns that there were,
with morning mist and silver sun
and wind upon my hair.

I sit beside the fire and think
of how the world will be
when winter comes without a spring
that I shall never see.

For still there are so many things
that I have never seen:
in every wood in every spring
there is a different green.

I sit beside the fire and think
of people long ago,
and people who will see a world
that I shall never know.

But all the while I sit and think
of times there were before,
I listen for returning feet
and voices at the door.


A Couple That Stretches Together Stays Together

from zohameanslight

Harlem of Yore


1930 Harlem, I think circa 135th street madison

Enlistment into Ethiopia, which is why Ras Tafari commonly called Haille Selassie publicly offered land in Ethiopia in Harlem afterward. Ras Tafarians from Jamaica took the chance but it was meant for Black Harlemites.

Do you say what you really want if empowered?

From said time in Harlem to now, many black people in the USA suggest they want a world of equality but is that true? I argue many groups in the USA, not empowered, don't want equality, simply want to replace white/christian/heterosexual/men... but is that a negative desire, now that is the question?

Do you say what you really want , disempowered person? rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Do you say what you really want , disempowered person?


And, the difference between race and bias. Do you know it? 

Let me explain


How To Build Your Own Wearable Valkyrie Robot?

from 小芊枫 XiaoQianFeng

a presentation as a comic con

Extra treat

for you predator fans

Accessibility Interview

My Thoughts

I thought about accessibility. If accessibility was considered from the beginning of most processes it would undo alot of the schemes/scams/ aspects of entertainment/social media/wesbites or other. 
For example, I like the mandolorian show from Disney. If someone is blind and they can't see the Mandolorian maybe they have an audio read version available. So they can hear each episode absent commercials. But imagine if you are listening to an on demand film, like Godzilla,  like from TNT of the warner bros group in Discovery. Imagine you hear:"this thing killed my wife!, have you ever had bad bowels, Well try..." The commercial break is by default a terrible element. For someone who can only hear they are bound to hear a commercial where those with sight can mute and move on and come back. 
Accessibility if engineered optimally will delete many methods of commercialization in entertainment or media through electronic means. 

Accessibility interview in KWL Kobo Writing Life Podcast rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Accessibility interview in KWL Kobo Writing Life Podcast



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

08/20/2023 RMNewsletter

August 19 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #poetry, #poems, #cento, #audiobook, #ebook, #poetryormore, #rmtja, #holiday, #rex, #holidayrex, #chirodectes, #maculatus, #video, #boxsquid, #felt, #animation, #cliffcreativity, #tcm, #vault, #latimes, #knife, #throwing, #gun, #quint, #builds, #servos, #anime, #art, #siznart, #oscar, #peterson, #innocent, #little, #margaret, #tumblr, #writing, #workshop, #bettsfic, #betts, #vaporwave, #erotic

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 34th edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The thirteenth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. 

2) Innocent Little Margaret

3) Is Anime Art?

4) Vaporwave



 Chirodectes Maculatus

Felt animation

The Vaults Horrors Own

Knife Throwing Gun

CENTO Series episode 13

What used to be pretty to me is now ugly.

It pleasures itself stabbing its way into my side.

it comes up a dark magenta. 


in nature it is a rarity
equality in actuality
a cavern filled with mystery


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 

Innocent Little Margaret

PDF version

text version if PDF is not working

An Companion Of Violent Pleasure

thus the circle with dash

Is Anime Art

The following is a question and answer I placed for the description

Do you think anime is art? Why/why not?

of course anime is art, to be blunt, anime is an artistic movement that is centuries old based on art from Nippon, that like all movements has variations. 

What do you think as beauty in Art?
Beauty in art is complex because, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

- As a viewer, what is the first thing you look for in artwork?
first thing, i tend to find in art, not look for in art, but I read and view a lot of various art styles. One of the things about growing up in NYC as a kid, I was fortunate to have parents utilize the cities museums which cover all styles of art.

- As an artist, what do you value the most while creating?
spreading my imagination 



  • What do you find to be the most important or appealing part of vaporwave as an aesthetic or genre?
I am new to the genre. I never heard of it till now. In my mind without any experience in the genre. It reminds me of steampunk in a key way. It is a particular room in a larger genre, that being science fiction. Vaporwave is a similar particular room; that being 1980s to 1990s USA+ Western Europe+ JApan tech/music culture. Its appeal like any specific genre is its specificity. Some will want the 1980s 1990s tech media environment. China wasn't as potent. No Eurozone as it is comprehended today. The global existence of various wealthy individuals in each country didn't necessarily exist as it is today. Possibilities to make a different today , 2023, was possible. Those who are thinking on that , desiring that, want to communicate on that will find great appeal in this. Importance is a challenging question. All art is important in that it presents ideas.
  • Why do you think people may have nostalgia for time periods they’ve never experienced?
In the same way like Steampunk in science fiction / Sword & Sorcery in Fantasy brings nostalgia or desire for late 1800s fictional versions of humanity or ancient fictional versions of humanity. It is simple to explain. Some people remember living a life around the trees or wish they lived a life around the trees and thus sword and sorcery speaks to that. Some people remember when certain technologies were nascent or being born or wish they had been around when certain technologies were nascent or being born and thus Steampunk speaks to that. Vaporwave speaks to people who remember or desire an era of industry in a part of humanity before the elements of modernity, 2023. No well formed global economy or a global rich. No well established internet. No great global migration shifts. This can be argued was a high point in usa cultural influence in humanity that coincided with a lot of various odd tech before a great technological boom of global interest.
  • What aesthetics would you like to see represented in an art feature like this one?
Aesthetic is a hard question. Cause Vaporwave is very specific in time or geography or aesthetics. I want to give some examples. When I look at a video game called 198X I played on nintendo switch. Or a animation called Shenmue the animation on adult swim. They clearly are in the Vaporwave genre. It will be interesting how 1980s-1990s media influences later craft.


first photos of neptunes rings , rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
first photos of neptunes rings


Happy Birthday Ray Bradbury- the 22nd

  • 23rd - Mercury appear stationary in sky
  • 25th - Hummingbirds migrate south
  • 26th - Moon achieves largest angle between the equator and its center to the center of the earth or closest to the South pole ; runs low. 


 Chirodectes Maculatus

Stated as the first video of said species, but regardless a beautiful video

video of Chirodectes Maculatus rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
video of Chirodectes Maculatus


Felt Animation



Making of video

The Vaults Horrors Own

How profit-driven turmoil at Turner Classic Movies placed a vast cultural heritage at risk + Too many classic films remain buried in studios’ vaults ; Michael Hiltzik  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
How profit-driven turmoil at Turner Classic Movies placed a vast cultural heritage at risk + Too many classic films remain buried in studios’ vaults ; Michael Hiltzik


If you want more information


Knife Throwing Gun


Quint Builds

Referring Article from Caleb Kraft



How do Servos work

Here is a little Oscar Peterson to enjoy


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


Read more

08/13/2023 RMNewsletter

August 12 2023 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #kobo, #ebook, #audiobook, #poetry, #cento, #poems, #poetryormore, #inthehollow, #tipjar, #audios, #rmtja, #benjamin, #franklin, #london, #veronique, #greenwood, #nytimes, #claire, #moses, #crystal, #palace, #park, #ibbini, #paper, #craft, #sprite, #light, #katherine, #colleen, #galinstan, #nerdforge, #thingswithstrings, #Bmovie, #tcm

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 33rd edition of the 2023 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The twelfth of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. 



Ben's Benjamins and the dinosaurs

ibbini detailed paper craft

Sprite Light and EXTRAS

What is a B movie

CENTO Series episode 12 

Elle s'offre a moi lascive et allongée

Aussi belle aussi nue que la vérité

Quelques hôtels ou de vieux amants  

Reconstruisent leur monde d'avant

She offers herself to me lascivious and elongated

As beautiful as naked as the truth

A few hotels or old lovers

Rebuild their world before


blindly spent

gazing upon

how you


of Death


If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 


  • 13th- Venus is between the Earth and Sun
  • 15th- Venus|Moon conjunction; Ignacio Anaya Garcia born 1895, inventor of the nacho
  • 16th- New Moon ; Moon at Apogee- Moon is farthest from earth while the moon is on the ecliptic, the path of the sun in the sky , but on the opposite side of earth, thus it can not be seen cause it is in the earth's shadow. I think this should make this the least dark new moon as the moon is farthest from earth.
  • 17th - Cat's nights < a poem https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-good-news-blog-stories-through-a-year/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-943> in old ireland they say a witch can turn herself into a cat eight times, one a day from the 9th to the 16th , but if she turn herself into a cat on the 17th, a ninth time , she can not turn back bwahahaha! Cat's have nine lives:) ; 1978 first atlantic ocean crossing balloon flight, the Double Eagle 2 < Balloons are not dirigibles, balloons use a flexible material to house the material at rest or excited, like hot air, while a dirigible places material in a rigid structure. So for example, a balloon or a dirigible can be filled with hydrogen, a gas lighter than air. The Balloon casing will be lighter than the dirigible which is solid but the dirigible casing will protect the volatile hydrogen from being influenced from outside better on average than a balloon the casing plus the dirigible casing will allow greater pressures inside on average than a balloon casing. In parallel, the balloon casing is lighter so you need less hydrogen. The first dirigible to cross the atlantic ocean was the Deutsches Luftschiff Zeppelin 127 of germany in 1928>
  • 18th- Mercury|Moon = Mars|Moon conjunction
  • 19th - Moon on Equator. The center of the moon plus the center of the earth make a straight line at the equator of the earth. 


Ben's Benjamins and the dinosaurs

One of the most important concepts in the following article is that the USA's connection to currency use relates to the inadequacy of coins, historically based on valuable materials, being retained. Even before the usa was born in its european colonial form it's leadership was heavily into arithmetically based financial marketeering... the dinosaurs are simply cute

Benjamin Franklin's currency and the Crystal Palace Dinosaur sculptures rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
Benjamin Franklin's currency and the Crystal Palace Dinosaur sculptures


ibbini detailed paper craft

photo example

ibbini paper cradt rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
ibbini paper cradt

full gallery
explaining some of the process

Video of the work imaged above

Sprite Light 

Started in 2017 thus six years to get here. Katherine Connell wanted to mix fashion with art.

main page

A segment of her journey, making a flexible galinstan circuit. Galistan is a metal that is not toxic<ala touch the skin> and is liquid at room temperature < ala flexible at room temperature while providing a pathway for controlled current flow>


Martina side Hans who makeup Nerdforge , converted Martina's room into a wizard study, enjoy

And things with strings vic

What is a B movie

Explained in a short history from Turner Classic Movies

But, before you view.  My thought...

At the end of the day, the studio system for the television was treated like the railroads for the car. Two working systems were busted up under the guise of antitrust, but functionally to aid a new industry in not having to deal with an old one that will be in recovery because of the changes. You can add it is like the Ma Bell being broken up when the Internet starts rolling strong. 
In retrospect , the film industry never recovered and now like Ma bell, like the trains, has recombinated after being forcefully broken up but the damage of those years has hurt the financial methodology. 


rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


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