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03/17/2024 RMNewsletter

March 17 2024 , Written by Richard Murray Published on #rmnewsletter, #rmaalbc, #aalbc, #cento, #poetry, #poem, #rmtja, #poetryormore, #hokku, #haiku, #construction, #holiday, #rex, #calligraphy, #dates, #astrology, #astronomy, #troy, #johnson, #ai, #caleb, #kraft, #make, #3d, #print, #spray, #can

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you are reading. 

Welcome to the 11th edition of the 2024 Richard Murray Newsletter.

1) The forty-third of the Cento series.  A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem.  


Et Tu Internet with Troy Johnson of AALBC

Can Computer programs commonly called AI 3d print?

Make a Basket With Paper

Make Gigantic Froebel blocks

A short history of Black art in the usa by blacks 

Zodiac Embroidery Light

Multicolor spray can

CENTO Series episode 43

 Eat thy pudding and meat, and go slide to the Beat

When the snot-gurgling UbbaPOOT stinks up the veldt

To go skinny-dipping in the BLLAHDT!

One two! one two! and through and through

the scent of grubs blazed over flame

and stewed awhile in thought

prepare those astral grubs my lass

 they chortled in their joy

well seasoned were the horogroves 

If you are interested in reading my own lines, here is a collection

Or if you prefer to listen,

here is a recording with art, can you tell the Cento I made of my own work in the art? 


Can Computer programs commonly called AI 3d print? 

the following is an image of results

Can I Use AI To Make Models For 3D Printing? rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc caleb kraft make
Can I Use AI To Make Models For 3D Printing?

read more to find out


Make A Basket With Paper

Make Gigantic Froebel blocks

Gigantic froebel blocks how to  rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc make magazine
Gigantic froebel blocks how to


A short history of Black art in the usa by blacks 

I think the black populace in the usa has never had time to settle on a lot of things and this means we settle more as individuals in various things.... I wrote a reply to this article with my views fledged out


What is best for black literature to represent, the lives of a majority in the black populace or the lives of a minority in the black populace? rmnewsletter rmaalbc aalbc
What is best for black literature to represent, the lives of a majority in the black populace or the lives of a minority in the black populace?


Multicolor spray can

A long development process from Vitaly Tesh



rmaalbc aalbc richard murray rmnewsletter link url
My third creative table, where I list the work I have created alongside activities of others in the village


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